High-Persuasion PowerPoint Presentation Program Set

High-Persuasion PowerPoint Presentation Program Set Review


The High-Persuasion PowerPoint Presentation Program Set is a game-changer for online business owners, speakers, writers, and coaches who rely on presentations, webinars, and videos to grow their business. Designed by Ellen Finkelstein, a renowned presentation expert, this program promises to teach you how to captivate and persuade your audience effectively.

Why Persuasive Presentations Matter

Presentations, webinars, and videos are powerful tools for business growth when done right. Unfortunately, many presenters fall into the trap of creating boring, text-heavy slides that fail to engage their audience. With the High-Persuasion Presentation Program, you’ll learn how to create compelling presentations that drive action.

Key Features of the Program

Session 1: Techniques of Persuasion

  • Learn how to structure your presentation for maximum persuasion
  • Understand the principles of persuasion and how to apply them effectively
  • Discover the secret technique that makes persuasion non-salesy

Session 2: Creating Persuasive Images

  • Master the art of persuasive slide design
  • Find out where to source captivating images for your presentations
  • Learn how to format images for maximum impact

Session 3: Text and Slide Setup Secrets

  • Uncover the secret to making text look like a bold, graphic diagram
  • Learn how to set up slides professionally and effortlessly
  • Discover simple, stunning backgrounds that enhance your message

Session 4: Animation plus Technology Tips

  • Utilize animation to amaze and persuade your audience
  • Master design techniques used by professionals
  • Learn how to create scripts for webinars and video recordings


“As an independent Financial Advisor, my business depends upon presenting financial concepts quickly, clearly, and with visual power. Ellen worked with me to create a presentation that is unified, beautiful, and incorporates people, symbols, charts, and numbers in a way that is strikingly effective and pleasing to watch. Using this presentation increased my conversion from an average of 50% to 70%! If you want the best, work with Ellen.” – Rick Miller, Financial Advisor

“I use online presentations with PowerPoint regularly as a part of my sales process. I thought I was doing everything right…that is, until Ellen showed me the ‘real’ power of persuasion with her rock solid, easy-to-follow system. From now on, I’m using nothing but Ellen’s presentation formula to generate serious interest from my audience. Thanks Ellen!” – Jordan Salamone


The High-Persuasion PowerPoint Presentation Program comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with what you learn during the course, you can request a full refund with no risk to you.


If you’re looking to take your presentations to the next level and truly engage and persuade your audience, the High-Persuasion PowerPoint Presentation Program Set is a must-have. With valuable bonuses included and a satisfaction guarantee, this program is a worthy investment in your business success.

Speakers | Coaches | Techniques of Persuasion | High-Persuasion | Money-back guarantee | Technology Tips | Creating Persuasive Images | Sales process | Program Set | Persuasive Presentations | Financial Advisor | Captivating images | Videos | Animation | PowerPoint Presentation | Presentations | Ellen Finkelstein | Online business owners | Investment | Principles of persuasion | Text and Slide Setup Secrets | Slide design | Bonus | Webinars | Writers | Testimonials